This morning I am sitting here reflecting on life, the universe and everything – well, more precisely, on why my daily newspaper has failed to appear. How can I get started without my daily dose of Codeword and Codewheel? Anyway, I looked back at my Blog Post a year ago. Mmm! I need to take my own advice:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.” (The “Serenity Prayer”, written by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892 to 1971)).
The wider World our there is burning, raging infernos sweeping through entire towns, or drowning as hurricane winds whip up waves and flood coastal villages or collapsing as rival factions bomb each other to smithereens . . .Was it ever thus? But sitting here fretting is not going to help. I must focus on “what things I can change”.
This street sign has been a hazard on my pavement for the past three weeks. I need to find a way to report it – on Twitter, maybe? But Twitter has decided that my password is incorrect. Tried changing it but Twitter still not happy. So I have found the website for “United Living Property Services” and sent them a message using their contact form. (It worked! The following day the sign had gone.)
Mobility. So much for “ageing disgracefully. It is not that easy when the dreaded “arthur-itis” rears its painful head. All the advice is to “keep moving” and to “use it or lose it”. No-one actually explains that following said advice is hard work – really hard work. But it is worth it. Gentle daily exercise and, even more importantly, daily walks do make a difference. The secret is to join a friend and walk to a coffee shop.
Festivals. It is time once more for the Southend Street Art Event. (Southend City Jam.) It is sad to see last year’s efforts painted over ready for this weekend, but it is exciting to watch as this year’s offerings emerge from the spray paint cans. Unfortunately there is a Rail Strike on the first day, which was not expected. I do wish ‘management’ would sort out the railway workers’ grievances.
De-cluttering. With the help of a young friend I spent a very productive afternoon rummaging through my fabric stash. Oh my goodness! How long have I had these lengths of cotton bought to make garments for my grandchildren who are now aged 24 and 26. And am I really going to use that metre and a half left over from sewing bedroom curtains back at the start of this century? Now all I need to do is contact my crafter friends to see if they’d be able to make use of any of the fabric. One whole sack has already disappeared with my helper. “Ooh! That velvet is perfect for lining a cape” and “I love that dark green material.”
Projects. I have finished turning two elephant tea-towels into a shopping bag. The “Herd in the City” event features painted elephants all over Southend to raise money for the Havens Hospice Charity. The herd will be auctioned later in September. I could never afford to bid for an elephant – nor do I have the space to display one. But I did my bit by buying tea-towels.
Well Jane a productive summer it seems with your efforts being positive. Twitter though is no longer! It is now X . Perhaps that’s why your password no longer works.
Keep up the great efforts and your talent for staying focused!!
Thanks for your encouragement.
Remind yourself at the end of the day what you have accomplished and how much you have achieved, no matter how small. As far as it being difficult to stay fit the alternative is that you become restricted in what you can do. Trust me, I know how hard it is!!