The MagPi promotion was really intriguing: just one corner of the front cover exposed hinting at a surprise. A perfect ‘read’ for my two-hour train journey to visit a friend. So last Wednesday, with time to spare at Paddington station I went into W.H.Smith to browse. Now where would they put the magazine? Computing? Hobbies? Male Interest? Or perhaps on the shelf with current promotions? No, not the latter. I stared at all the computing titles, squinting as I scanned them looking for a black cover and “Mag” . . . Yes!! tucked in there it was – easy to pick out because most of the other magazine have white covers. I pulled out two copies and spotted the freebie. I initially thought that it was just another board to stick on top of the Raspberry Pi. Sitting down on a platform bench I investigated further. Wow! It was not just an accessory it was an entire computer!! A Pizero. I was so excited that I tweeted my find, together with a picture of the magazine. “@Raspberry_Pi @SouthendRPiJams @soslug The latest teeny computer!!” Then I caught my train, switched off my mobile and settled down to find out what I could do with my Pizero, (Okay, what I can do with my Pizero and the helpful guys at SoSLUG!!)

On arriving at my destination I checked my tweets. OMG! Urgent appeals to check my DMs . . . What had I done? It transpired that the official launch of the MagPi magazine was 7am on the following day – Thursday. I had unwittingly jumped the gun. It took just a couple of seconds to delete my tweet, as requested. I wonder how many others spotted the MagPi in their local stores on Wednesday
Now what to do with my Pizero? And can I ‘do something’ before Christmas?
My latest interest – sparked by “Piwars” – is robots. Could I use the Pizero to control a robot? Makes more sense to use a $5 Pizero as opposed to a $30 Pi2. Of course I would have to solder on the pins. I am not very confident at soldering but reluctant to play the “I am but a weak woman . . .” game and let a man do it for me. No: this is going to be MY robot.
It is so good for general purpose, also this computer may helps students in their small project. I am trying to gain much knowledge about it. Thanks. 🙂