Am sitting admiring these glorious blooms sent to me for Mothers’ Day and thinking about my own Mother.I spent all my adult life on a different Continent from her but I always knew that she was there for me, as they say and that she would always love and support me. At a particularly trying time, when I was juggling being a mum myself with studying to be a teacher she left my three brothers in charge of my Dad to come and stay with me for a fortnight. Not only did she offer me moral support, she sewed me two new cotton frocks, she wallpapered the entrance hall and she hired a car to drive us all up to Kirby Muxloe to visit my Dad’s cousin. She had this ability to walk through my living room and leave it tidier. I was so in awe of her! It was not until recently that I realised how much of her rubbed off on me.
I remember when your mum came to visit and Mary Poppins like everything put itself away. A lovely lady
Thank you. I well remember her looking at my cluttered chairs and remarking, “You do know that chairs are meant for sitting on?”
I remember visiting your very special and accomplished mum and staying with her in Orange county. Ever the pragmatist she gave me a wedge shaped cushion so I could see over the steering wheel whilst driving on the wrong side of the road in a hire car! She directed me into ‘pockets’ for turning across the oncoming traffic. She was encouraging and enthusiastic and I admired her. I still use her cushion back in UK (as I am under 5 feet). An English lady abroad who remained thoroughly English! Fondly remembered!!!
Thank you for such a lovely tribute.